Vet☆Head Brand will always strive to provide a 100% US sourced product and manufacturing. VHB uses premium hats made by OTTO International Inc, Richardson and Decky. All are American owned companies with stateside headquarters.

However, and in the interest of full transparency, all three compies outsource the manufacturing so from time-to-time, we may receive hats that were put together in China and for that we apologize. But that is why we try to at least make up for it a little by doing our best to only employ Veteran owned small businesses for our web design and maintenace, product design, product production, advertisement and marketing needs.

Our hats are designed in house and the digitizing and embroidery is done right here in Las Vegas by Veteran owned and Veteran employed companies

We are just getting started, and the unfortunate reality is the using American manufactured hats would not allow us to provide you with a quality product at an affordable price in this phase of our journey. Major popular brands like New Era, Flexfit, and '47 all have their hats manufactured oveseas. Using brands like Otto, Richardson and Decky allows us to provide a quality premium American product with low overhead and that means we pass the savings on to you.

Our promise? You may not get a hat manufactured in the US, but we won't send you one that says it was "Made in China"